YMCA Heritage Club members are friends of the YMCA who are committed to preserving the heritage of the YMCA for years to come. Through their generous contributions, these people have given the YMCA the means to maintain long-range financial stability, which ensures that our programs, traditions and mission will continue for future generations.
Each year, members of the Heritage Club gather to welcome new members, share fellowship and reflect on successes made possible by endowment contributions. Members are also invited to other YMCA events and special programs throughout the year.
How to qualify for the Heritage Club:
Make or revise a will directing a percentage or fixed amount to the FREMONT FAMILY YMCA Foundation;
Name the Fremont Family YMCA Endowment Fund as a primary or secondary beneficiary of a new or existing insurance policy;
Create a charitable remainder unitrust or an annuity trust, a pooled life income, a charitable gift annuity, a short-term trust, a life estate or a bank deposit that eventually directs all or a portion of the principle to the Fremont Family YMCA Endowment Fund.
Many friends of the Fremont Family YMCA make gifts to the Endowment Fund because. . . They want the YMCA to be strong and active to serve the future generations of young people. . . They want to help the YMCA remain financially secure. . . It would allow the YMCA to offer new programs to meet the community needs. . . There are significant tax benefits associated with gifts to a local charitable organization. . . The gifts may help meet family or personal estate-planning objectives.
An Invitation. . . Because of your interest in and support of the Fremont Family YMCA, you are invited to join our Heritage Club. This is a group of men and women who want to ensure that the heritage of Christian purposes and traditions continues for future generations.
The Fremont Family YMCA's Heritage Club is a program to build long-range financial stability for the Fremont Family YMCA. This is not an appeal for funds now - but a request that you include the Fremont Family YMCA. in your long-range plans. By doing this now the possible tax advantages to you can increase the value of your estate.
For more information about the various opportunities for membership, please call Jaime Schulz, Fremont Family YMCA, 402-721-6952, or email: jamies@fremontfamilyymca.org